Micro-needling is a safe and natural way to erase years of aging and rejuvenate your skin

This technique uses tiny needles to pierce the skin and create micro-tears in the skin that recruits the body’s healing mechanism to fill in the tears with collagen and elastin. High-end serums made of hyaluronic acid, apple stem cells, collagen and elastin  are used on the skin during this process. The absorption rate of this magical serum is increased to 2000% due to the direct access to the epidermis of the skin. The procedure is minimally invasive, as most client’s report mild discomfort. A numbing cream will be used prior to treatment to reduce discomfort. Your face may be mildly red for 24-36 hrs.



This Micro-needling pen has adjustable speed of 9,000-18,000 rpm and adjustable depth of .25-2.5mm. The most common depth used is .5mm as going deeper into the skin is rarely beneficial. A sterille 16 needle cartridge is used for each client.




Serum Ingredients

Hyaluronic acid– speeds up wound healing and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Apple Stem Cells– helps protect human skin cells by increasing the skin’s stem cell vitality and promotes their longevity.

Collagen– a protein naturally found in the skin that keeps the skin firm and elastic. We naturally lose it with age and thus fine lines and wrinkles appear. It gives skin its glow and keeps in hydrated.

Elastin– this is present in the skin extracellular matrix. It does what the word implies;  keeps the skin elastic and tight.

TCM acupuncture points will be placed in areas of the body that increase blood flow, chi flow, increase the immune response, and help you relax. Needles will be placed in cosmetic acupuncture points on the face. A red light device will be placed over your face for 15 minutes after micro needling to further promote healing and the overall benefits of treatment.

It is recommended that you receive treatment every 4-6 weeks for a total of 4-6 treatments. That is why this treatment is truly amazing! You don’t need to keep up with it for months and years on end to continue to receive the benefit.

Conditions Treated
  • Acne scars and other scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Aging spots
  • Hair regrowth
Now offering 20% off when you purchase a package of 5 treatments


Cosmetic Acupuncture and Facial

Cosmetic acupuncture is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, reduce the puffiness of the face and even the muscle tone of the face. The needles will be placed in acupuncture points of the face and in areas of the facial muscles. This regulates the qi flow in the meridians and affiliated organs whilst relaxing the muscles of the face. This is a great alternative to botox for those looking for a natural and more subtle approach. The muscles in the face are not frozen or paralyzed, you can still make expressions. Releasing the tension in the facial muscles minimizes the intensity of expression, as the face is more calm and supple. This technique also makes the face more symmetrical.  Needles will also be place transversely under the wrinkles to stimulate an immune response. The body will fill in the micro-tears under the wrinkle will collagen and elastin which smooths out the wrinkle. This is a holistic approach to combat aging, as it is beneficial for your whole body and calming for your spirit.

The frequency of treatment depends on the depth and amount of static wrinkles. Younger people (30s and 40s) tend to respond faster to treatment and need less treatments. It is advised to start out with weekly or bi-weekly treatments and then space them out. In order to continue to slow the aging process, monthly treatments are recommended. Packages are available.

Cosmetic Acupuncture and Facial

  • hot towel and facial scrub
  • lymphatic drainage massage to help with puffiness and help you relax
  • gua sha
  • acupuncture
  • red-light therapy